What is the OnePack Empowered Program?
OnePack Empowered is a new university initiative that supports and empowers students with executive functioning challenges and those who are neurodivergent.
Who can participate in the OnePack Empowered Program?
Any undergraduate degree seeking NC State student who has filled out the Student Interest form, completed a Student Interest Meeting, and submitted an application is eligible to participate in OnePack Empowered. Participants may include incoming first-year students, transfer students, or current students.
What is the first step in connecting with the OnePack Empowered Program?
Complete the student interest form
Is there a fee to participate in the OnePack Empowered Program?
There is no cost to students who participate in the OnePack Empowered
Do I need to have a documented diagnosis in order to be eligible?
OnePack Empowered does not require students to submit documentation for any diagnosis or specific learning disability to be eligible.
Does OnePack Empowered offer both fall and spring semester acceptance?
OnePack Empowered offers acceptance in both the fall and spring semesters pending program capacity.
Do you need to reapply to OnePack Empowered every semester once you have been admitted?
Once accepted to the program you do not need to reapply to participate in future consecutive semesters.
How can I learn more about the OnePack Empowered Program?
The OnePack Empowered program is located in the NC State Career Development Center, 2100 Pullen Hall. If you are a student, parent, or other stakeholder wanting to learn more about OnePack Empowered, please contact the OnePack Empowered Team, Alexis Wells, Misa Wells, and Sidney Fletcher at onepack-empowered@ncsu.edu.
If you are a student interested in the program, please fill out the Student Interest Form.